What is energy theft and how do I report it?

Energy theft is when somebody tampers with a gas or electricity meter or it’s connections so that it does not properly record the energy used. This is illegal and can be very dangerous.

A tampered electricity meter can cause short circuiting, fires and potentially fatal electric shocks, while a tampered gas meter can result in leaks and gas explosions. This could present a risk to you and those around you.

If you suspect somebody is stealing electricity, gas or both, please report it as soon as possible. You can contact Crimestoppers, anonymously if you prefer, by:

  • Completing their online form at stayenergysafe.co.uk
  • Calling the stayenergysafe reporting line on 0800 023 2777

If you’re still not sure that reporting your suspicions is the right thing to do, you can read some real stories on the stayenergysafe site, or visit their YouTube channel or Facebook page for more information.

Energy theft is a criminal offence and increases costs to our customers, this means higher bills which affects everyone.

Theft Charter
We’ve signed up to a cross-industry Theft Charter. This is our commitment to tackling energy theft investigations in a consistent way.